
Motion House
Purveyors of Camera Motion
Click on Titles
Jib moves around 47 Motorsports Norma M30
Jib Operator / DP - Jim Mundell
Camera Car at the Circle M Ranch race
Driver - Jim Mundell / Movi Operator - Dan McCloskey
The Race of Gentlemen chase car cruise
Driver - Jim Loughlin, Movi Operator- Jim Mundell
Movi Demo footage from Open Cup
Movi Operator - Jim Mundell
Philadelphia Union Playoff hype Movi footage
Production Co- Phila Union / Movi Operator / Co DP- Jim Mundell
LoMo Camera Vehicle beauty shots of the Art Museum of Phila
Driver- Jim Mundell / Movi Operator - Dan McCloskey
From the decades of the shoots we’ve been on
A little Help from my Friends
Ya never know who will help us Operate the Jib